Museum of the Nötscher Kreis

Anton MAHRINGER, Waldinneres, 1936, Öl/Leinwand, Privatbesitz

Archive of the Exhibition of2015


Wege zum Bild

Exhibition in the Museum of the Nötscher Kreis
vom 26. April – 1. November 2015

Based on selected key works by the artists of the Nötscher Kreis, this year’s exhibition “Wege zum Bild” (Ways to the picture) in the Museum of the Nötscher Kreis attempts to gain an insight into the way the artists Sebastian Isepp, Anton Kolig, Franz Wiegele and Anton Mahringer worked and conceived images and thus make the creation of a work transparent from the sketch or study to the final oil painting.

Each of the four painters approached the realization of a work in different and very individual ways, using various „ways“ to get to the finished oil painting. Franz Wiegele prepared numerous studies for his compositions and dealt in detail with the posture of his models, as it is particularly impressive to understand in the family picture Alfred Wiegele „The happy family“ and the „Lady in green“. Anton Kolig’s designs and sketches attest to his particular interest in dealing with color as an image-forming design tool, while with Isepp and Mahringer the „ways“ were often physical in the truest sense of the word: They wandered the country in search of delightful, landscape motifs and captured them in their paintings.

The way itself became an essential part of the subject, the place of stopping, a moment to determine the picture and the viewing angle. It is precisely these diverse approaches and the process leading up to the realization of the final work of art that show in an exciting way the important role of the Nötscher Kreis in Austrian painting in the first half of the 20th Century.

Curator: Sigrid Diewald

Folder 2015 thumb
Folder Ausstellung 2015 (pdf)